Featured Products
Ezcad Dental Lab, a leading provider of quality dental products and services for dentists In Puerto Rico. Aesthetics and precision, combined with Innovative Applications and Platinum-Level Service-----you will have all of them with Ezcad Dental Lab. We, Ezcad have made all products the cornerstone of a tradition of excellence.

We undrestand you...
- Seek the most natural looking restorations possible
- Rely on us for precision fits and beautiful results
- Deserve excellent customer service
- Expect competitive pricing and prompt turnaround
As a full service provider, Ezcad's products cover the full-range of cosmetic dentistry and restorative needs for your dental practice. We match your professional practice skills with our technical expertise to produce excellent results.
Crown & Bridge
- PFM Porcelain Fused to Metal
- Captek™ porcelain fused to 22kt alloy matrix (single units only)
- Full Cast Crowns, Inlays - Onlays
- Maryland bridges
- Precision castings: Interlocks, Telescopic Copings
All ceramic restorations
- Zirconia Layered-ceramic high-strength Zirconia
- Zirconia Full-Strength monolithic Zirconia
- IPS e.max® monolithic lithium disilicate ceramic
- IPS Empress®
Removable restorations
- Complete Acrylic Dentures
- Complete Acrylic Overdentures with attachments
- Partial Acrylic Dentures with Cast metal Frameworks
- Partial All-Acrylic Flippers-Whiplas with wrought metal clasps
- Cast Cobalt Chrome Frameworks and Clasps
- TCS® flexible partials
- Hybrid Partials – Acrylic base, Cast frame & rests with TCS® clasps
Implant restorations
- Implant Provisionals
- Crown and Bridge Restorations Over Implants
- Zirconia Full-Strength and Layered-Ceramic Over Implants
- Custom Milled Abutments
- Hybrid Ti-Base with Screw-Retained and Cementable Restorations
- Full-Arch Implant Prosthesis
- Overdentures with Implants and Attachments
- Bar Overdenture with Attachments
- Screw-Retained Hybrid Denture (Fixed-Removable)
Orthodontic appliances
- Activator with Face Bowc
- Andersen
- Beg Retainer (modified)
- Begg Retainer (standard)
- Bionator
- Frankel 2
- Frankel 3
- Hard Silensor
- Hawley Retainer
- Hawley Retainer (Soldered)
- Hawley Retainer (spring)
- Hyrax Rapid Palatel Expander
- Lingual Retainer
- Nance Appliance
- NTI Splint
- Quad Helix
- Roberts Appliance
- Screw Appliance
- Silensor (hard)
- Silensor (soft)
- Soldered Hawley Retainer
- Space Maintainer
- Space Maintainer (cast)
- Space Maintainer (lingual arch)
- Sport Guard (colors)
- Spring Appliance 1
- Spring Appliance 2
- Spring Appliance 3
- Spring Appliance 4
- Tongue Barrier
- Twin Blocks