Customer Testimonials

Here's what dentists in Puerto Rico are saying about Ezcad Dental Lab. We listen closely to our customers’ needs and respond with proven effective solutions. We invite you to discover more how Ezcad can benefit your dental practice and your patients. Contact our offices today and we will get you started immediately.

Recent Customer Testimonials:

Dra. Daphne Torres

“I have been using Ezcad Dental Lab for about 4 years now and cannot say enough good things about the quality of work and the great customer service I receive. If I need any technical support I am always able to talk to John or the support team and get great advice with just a phone call.

The chair-time I need to spend on my deliveries is minimum. Their crowns usually need very little or no adjustments at all. Whenever I have a case that doesn’t go as wanted they are always willing to work with me until the case is successfully completed. That kind of support means a lot.

Ezcad delivers quality products in a reasonable time and at a highly competitive pricing. They have definitely gained my confidence and have helped me gain the confidence of my patients. Thank you, Ezcad, “

Many factors must be considered when deciding which lab can best accommodate you and your patient’s needs.

By choosing to partner with us, you will benefit from our extensive experience providing our customers the best quality and value for their money.

Ezcad has a good reputation delivering great service at a fair price, consistently. All materials used in our products are FDA registered and are made in the USA, Europe or Japan. Only the best brands!

There are two easy ways to send us a case! Simply download the printable version of the prescription to submit with your order here.

If you have a special request or would like additional information, please email or call us at 787-868-5598.

Our lab is here to service you between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday.

We would be happy to provide you with our most current fee schedule! The quickest way to submit your request is: You can also email [email protected] fax: 888-251-8149 or call: 787-868-5598.

We are a full service laboratory. Click this link for a full listing of our products;

Our turnaround time averages ten days in-lab, plus shipping.

We have sales representatives that visit your office each week.

You can also email [email protected] fax: 888-251-8149 or call: 787-868-5598.

Mostly all our cases are returned to you before three weeks.

We use this email for all digital workflow communication: [email protected]

Always! In fact, Ezcad is a leader in self-regulation and also provide Identalloy stickers. About the Identalloy program: please contact us if you would like a listing of all FDA regulated materials in our products. You can also email [email protected] fax: 888-251-8149 or call: 787-868-5598.

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